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Thank You For Supporting The Badge

**Originally Posted Friday, 11 January 2019The Paso Robles Police Officers Association would like to thank YOU for your donation, time and committed support during our “Support The Badge” fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will help us support our critically injured officers and their families.Thank you for your generosity and for standing side-by-side with our law enforcement family.Thank YOU for joining our police family and being part of a community team that connects us ...

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Our Community Needs Your Help!

**Originally Posted Monday, 28 October 2019Are you committed to making a difference in our community? Your charitable contribution will help us keep your loved ones safe, give back, and reach our annual goal!Your Donation is the fuel for all of it. From caring for the families of fallen officers to local youth programs, your support helps us build trust between our officers and residents; strengthening our community.Our local law enforcement association continually gives its financial reso...

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Join Us In Making A Difference In Our Community, Donate Today!

**Originally Posted Thursday, 13 December 2018Our annual fundraiser is back! We would like to thank you for your support of the men and women of our Police Association who protect us each and every day. A police officer’s job can be stressful and demanding, but we take great pride in helping our fellow citizens whenever we get the chance. It’s not just our job, it’s our honor to serve. Please join in our mission, and support the men and women of law enforcement, Donate Here! Our ...

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Help Support Sheriff Deputy Nick Dreyfus

**Originally Posted Thursday, 11 June 2020Yesterday morning, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Deputy Nick Dreyfus was shot while responding to an active shooter situation just outside a police station in the downtown area.Thankfully, his surgery was successful and he's listed "in guarded condition and the prognosis is good," according to the Sheriff's Office.Deputy Dreyfus still has a long road to recovery though, and we are asking that you consider making a donation to help support him and ...

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Update Re: Active Shooter

**Originally Posted Wednesday, 10 June 2020This morning, a gunman opened fire in the downtown area, injuring a sheriff's deputy. A citizen was also found deceased near an Amtrak train station and is being investigated as a homicide in connection with the shooting.We wish to express our sincerest condolences and ask that you keep the injured sheriff, deceased citizen, as well as their family and friends, in your thoughts and prayers.

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